Thursday, October 8, 2009


Aloha and Happy Thursday!

Chromatic Magazine's Debut will hit shelves here in Hawaii this October. I was approached by the magazine to have them do a feature article on our company. And of course I was so excited. I have been in the paper and I have ads in lots of different magazines but this is my first feature and I could not be more excited that it is with Julie Aragaki and Chromatic Magazine. I feel honored that they would want to feature me. I was interviewed by Stacy Makiya a few months ago. She asked me some very interesting questions that actually took me some time to think about. I could have written a book really. Juliw took my photos which I think came out really cute! You can view Chromatic Magazine online at This magazine will come out 4 times a year and will focus on whats hot in Hawaii from fashion to restaurants to night life. Check it out this month in stores or see it online and subscribe for emails about information on whats going on around town.
I want to take a minute to thank Julie for taking a chance on me and my business. It means a lot to have support from such a great person who belives in me and what I am love to do. I am so excited for this magaine and to see where it will go!

Have a great day!
For more information on cakes, cookies and other items we carry check us out online at or call us 808.744.0196

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