Aloha and welcome to Wednesday! Well for most people its a Friday!! A long weekend for most but not for us. We will be working hard a wedding and a few birthdays!! Speaking of birthdays, I celebrated mine a few days ago. I worked of course. There are no days off to observe birthdays here. We actually helped make Matthew's 1st birthday special. We made a apple and pig themed cake and we helped kids of all ages decorate candy apples. It was so much fun. It was a good way to celebrate my birthday. Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes.
Anyway, I wanted to share these cake toppers. They are super cute and we can make them any colors, any styles you may be looking for. Lets personalize the hair color and the clothes to what your needs are. Our bride loved them. We caught her coming in as we were leaving on Monday. And she loved them. Melissa looked absolutly beautiful. We are looking forward to seeing her pictures. I know it was a good time!!
As Thanksgiving approaches and the holidays are apon us, I am extra thankful for my family and the support they give me everyday. I am also thankful to being living out my dream in Hawaii and doing what I love to do with a wonderful husband who is so supportive of me and my dreams. I am also thankful to all the men and women serving in the military and who scarifice everyday to be able to give me the freedom to do what I love. I know there a lot of mena nd women who can not be home for the holidays this year and my thoughts and prayers are with all of you and your family. Be safe and thank you!
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.